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The benefits of eating garlic

Time:2021-04-29 10:55:55


Garlic was introduced into China from the western regions in the Western Han Dynasty. According to the skin color, it can be divided into purple skin and white skin. Spicy, pungent smell, edible or for seasoning, can also be used as medicine. It is warm in nature and pungent in taste; It enters the spleen, stomach and lung channels.

The benefits of eating garlic

Strong sterilization, treatment of various skin diseases

The sulfur-containing compounds in garlic have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They can inhibit and kill many kinds of cocci, bacilli, fungi and viruses. It is one of the most effective natural plants. Garlic for the treatment of skin tuberculosis, cellulitis has a significant effect.

Prevention and treatment of cancer

Germanium and selenium in garlic can inhibit the growth of tumor cells and cancer cells. Experiments show that the population with the lowest incidence of cancer is the population with the highest selenium content in blood. According to the National Cancer Organization of the United States, garlic ranks first among the plants with the most anticancer potential in the world.

Detoxification and bowel clearing, healthy weight loss

Garlic can effectively inhibit and kill Helicobacter pylori and other bacteria and viruses causing gastrointestinal diseases, remove gastrointestinal toxic substances, stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa, promote appetite and accelerate digestion. In the protection of the stomach at the same time, the excess fat burning, to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Anti aging effect

Some ingredients in garlic have antioxidant and anti-aging properties similar to vitamin E and vitamin C.

Garlic can promote blood circulation; Egg yolk is rich in vitamin E, which can inhibit the active acid and slow down the aging of blood vessels and skin. The combination of the two has complementary advantages, which can not only play a good anti-aging role (blood vessels and skin), but also produce a lot of benefits for the treatment or beauty of cold phobia.

Anti fatigue effect

It has been found that pork is one of the foods rich in vitamin B1, and the combination of vitamin B1 and Allicin contained in garlic can play a good role in eliminating fatigue and restoring physical strength.


Dietary taboos

There are many advantages of eating garlic, which is suitable for ordinary people, but there are also some taboos.

Suitable for people: it is edible for ordinary people. People with eye diseases should not eat more.

Dosage: 1-4 flaps per time.


1. The effect of garlic with bud is not good. It is not suitable to marinate garlic for a long time in order to avoid damaging the effective ingredients. Capsaicin is afraid of heat and decomposes quickly when heated, so its bactericidal effect is reduced. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases should be raw garlic.

2. Garlic can increase the secretion of gastric acid, capsaicin has a stimulating effect, gastrointestinal, two finger intestinal ulcer people should not eat garlic.

3. Excessive consumption of garlic can affect vision. Excessive consumption of garlic by people with liver disease can cause liver dysfunction and aggravate liver disease.

4. Topical use can cause skin redness, burning, blistering, so it should not be applied too long, skin allergy caution.

There are many advantages of eating garlic, but you can't eat too much. Eating garlic in an appropriate amount every day can play the role of anti-cancer and anti-aging.